Oh believe me,
Yule be celebrating.
"Sipping cider, we gather 'round the fireplace.
Faces bright with joy!
And eating gingerbread, our limbs becoming interlaced.
Christmas time for girls and boys!
Grandma, grandpa, visiting from far away,
Bring us candy canes!
And coloured boxes, who's contents we will speculate.
Maybe dolls or model trains!"
Yule be celebrating.
"Sipping cider, we gather 'round the fireplace.
Faces bright with joy!
And eating gingerbread, our limbs becoming interlaced.
Christmas time for girls and boys!
Grandma, grandpa, visiting from far away,
Bring us candy canes!
And coloured boxes, who's contents we will speculate.
Maybe dolls or model trains!"
[Christmas Time for Girls and Boys - Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies]
keep going!
Al...most... done... will... upload... soon...ish...
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