So I'm milling about on the internet and whatnot, when I get an group invitation on
Facebook.It's a group for a photography project:
Photo 365.
The basic premise is, in a blog, for one entire year, take and publish one photo every single day.
Through the exciting and mundane, you must include one picture for every day. 365 pictures.
I think I'm up for the task.
I've become very strong-willed to improve my photography skills. My repertoire is nice and all, but I know I can do much better. In the very near future, I'll be procuring about... a few new cameras, including a Canon 400D EOS Rebel (which will be my proverbial child), a fish-eye, maybe a Holga, and most likely a crazy Octolens camera I found. I'll be taking pictures all throughout the year with all cameras, and be posting AT LEAST! one picture a day on here.
With some cameras, if they use film, I might have to post on later dates, but I will have at least one picture daily, unless I have internet issues.
Cause you all know how that goes.
Anyway, enjoy? Yes.